
By Thor Christensen, American Heart Association News

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(NI QIN/E+ via Getty Images)

心血管疾病在亚裔美国人群体中差异很大, 强调在预防和治疗方面需要对每一种疾病进行单独研究, according to new research.

亚洲人是美国增长最快的种族群体. At about 24 million people, they make up 7% of the U.S. 人口普查数据显示,其中近40%是华裔. They are a highly diverse population, 然而,关于心血管疾病及其风险因素在他们之间的差异的研究很少.

For the new study, 研究人员查看了2013年至2018年全国健康访谈调查的数据, representing about 13 million Asian adults. They were divided into four groups: Chinese, Asian Indian and Filipino people, the nation's three largest Asian ethnic groups, and a fourth group of people with other Asian heritage.

After adjusting the data for age and sex, researchers found that Filipino, 印度亚裔和其他亚洲成年人比中国成年人更容易患高血压, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity. 研究人员还发现,菲律宾成年人比中国成年人更有可能有心脏病发作史, stroke and coronary artery disease.

The findings 于11月在费城举行的美国心脏协会科学会议上发表. 在完整的结果发表在同行评议的期刊上之前,它们被认为是初步的.

Cardiovascular health among Asian Americans is "a complex one," said the study's lead researcher, Sudheesha Perera, 他是普罗维登斯布朗大学沃伦·阿尔珀特医学院的一名医学生, Rhode Island. “这些结果显示了亚裔美国人之间的明显差异,“特别是菲律宾成年人的负担和疾病风险更高.

Health behaviors and social determinants of health, like education, health insurance and income, did not fully explain differences between the groups, he said. “但我们在研究中发现的一点是,菲律宾成年人的吸烟率更高."

佩雷拉说,需要对这种差异的原因进行更多的研究, 他补充说,亚洲社区往往被认为是国家公共卫生倡议的一块巨石.

佩雷拉说,这项研究受到自我报告数据的限制,这些数据仍然汇总了某些亚组. "We stuck to the major subgroups available in the database, but other Asian communities, such as Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese communities, also deserve a thorough, holistic analysis of cardiovascular disease." He also called for future research to explore how immigration 与不同亚裔美国人的心脏健康模式有关吗.

Dr. Latha Palaniappan, 他是加州斯坦福大学的内科医生和心血管医学教授, 同意佩雷拉的观点,这些发现表明迫切需要进行更多的研究. 她说,尤其缺乏关于哪些亚洲人群最容易患各种中风的研究.

"In order to practice precision medicine, 我们需要更多关于这一多样化和不断增长的人群差异的数据,而不仅仅是心血管疾病, but cancer, mental health, asthma, and the list goes on," said Palaniappan, who was not involved in the current research.

亚洲人只占美国临床试验参与者的很小一部分.S. "Often, when Asians are included, they're grouped together, 这隐藏了不同亚群之间疾病患病率和治疗的重要差异," Palaniappan said.

她鼓励更多的亚裔美国人参与临床试验, “所以我们可以确保药物和设备在我们治疗的所有人群中都得到了适当的测试."

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